August 10 , 2021
Mr. Khush Dil Khan, Vice-Chairman, Pakistan Bar Council has strongly condemned the nomination of Chief Justice of Sindh High Court as Ad-Judge of the Supreme Court without his consent, by the Judicial Commission of Pakistan in its meeting held today i.e. 10-08-2021, as he has expressed that he is not willing to be appointed as Ad-hoc Judge. He has expressed that it is violation of Article 182 of the Constitution, since Chief Justice cannot be appointed as Ad-hoc Judge of the Supreme Court and only retired Judge of Supreme Court or High Court can be appointed as Ad-hoc Judge. He further expressed his grave concerns that on 28th July, Chief Justice of Sindh was not competent to be elevated as Judge of the Supreme Court but after two weeks how he became eligible and competent for appointment as Ad-hoc Judge of the apex Court. He said the legal fraternity feels that a terrible exemple is being set through this Ad-hoc appointment and it would further weaken the Judicial system.
Acting Secretary
Pakistan Bar Council
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