March    03,   2020



“The Pakistan Bar Council strongly condemns the reported threats being made against organizers and participants of the Aurat March, 2020, organized on International Women’s Day. The uncalled for threats are contrary to the fundamental rights of citizens and constitute hate speech against women’s rights activities across the Country. The Council endorses the demands made by the Aurat March that being in line with fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan. The Aurat March Charter of Demands highlights issues of violence and economic deprivation against women, and all their demands  are legitimate and within the bounds of the Constitution and the Laws of Pakistan.

It is the fundamental right of every citizen to assemble in public places and mark their peaceful protest. The International Women’s Day is being observed in Pakistan for decades and there have been no instances of violence or unconstitutional activity at the march. In fact, the visibility and participation of women in public spaces is a sign of functioning democracy.

The Pakistan Bar Council, therefore, calls upon the relevant Government Institutions to provide security and safety to the Aurat March organizer and the participants to ensure that they exercise their constitutional right to March and protest in a peaceful and safe manner.”


March   03 ,  2020



The Pakistan Bar Council strongly condemns the decision of the Indian Government to extend the period of detention of Mian Abdul Qayoom, President and Mr. Ashraf Butt, General Secretary, Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association and other political leaders of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, under the draconian Public Safety Act.

Mian Qayoom an old aged Lawyers Leader who remained President of High Court Bar Association for 21 times, suffering from multiple ailments also having undergone heart surgery; currently lodged in the Tihar Jail, New Delhi, is being punished for his undeterred stance on Kashmir issue calling for right of self-determination to people of Indian Occupied Kashmir as pledged through United Nations (UN) Resolutions 71 years before. He was arrested along with 24 other activists following the unilateral abrogation of Article 370 of Constitution by Indian Government on August 5, last year.

The Fascist Mody Government which is continuously committing atrocities on innocent Kashmiris, has shamelessly denied even medical facilities to the old ailing Mian Qayoom and has paid no heed to Appeals of Senior Foreign Lawyers including Mr. Richard Atkins, QC Chair of the Bar Council of England and Wales and Sehona Jolly SC, Chair of the BHRC, expressing their concerns over the detention of Mian Qayoom and other Lawyers and political activists and demanding for their release.

The Pakistan Bar Council severely condemns the continued detention of Mian Qayoom, all other Lawyers and political activists and impresses upon International community including the UN, to raise their voice against accesses and brutalities being committed by law enforcement agencies and even Army personnel under directions of the Indian Government on Kashmiris who are struggling for the right of their self determination.