July 5, 2023


Mr. Haroon-ur-Rashid, Vice-Chairman and Mr. Hassan Raza Pasha, Chairman, Executive Committee of the Pakistan Bar Council, have expressed that both Houses of the Parliament have passed the “Lawyer’s Protection & Welfare Act-2023” and President has also assented the said legislation as it was longstanding demand of the legal fraternity for their safety, security and protection. They further expressed that it should have been fully implemented but at this moment, it is not being implemented and lawyers are feeling impatience. They have demanded that Federal Government should communicate and issue directions to all the Inspector Generals of Police of the Provinces that cases/FIR’s of Lawyers should be registered under relevant provisions of this Act and it should be implemented forthwith.

They further demanded from the Govt. of Balochistan that in FIR of murder of Mr. Abdul Razzaq Shar, Advocate (former Member, Executive Committee, Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan), Quetta the relevant provisions of the “Lawyers Protection and Welfare Act-2023” should also be included/incorporated there in for the sake of justice.