PDF Expert systems with applications latex template \usepackage { ecrc } %% The ecrc package defines commands needed for running heads and logos. Next comes the actual table. PDF GuidetoCanadianJournalofEconomics ATEX2 classfile(v.1.06,2018) ± r Ì ± Ì õ æ FIGURE1:CAPTIONWITHMATH,EQN. Ein einfach bedienbarer Online-LaTeX-Editor. I am also not a fan of figures rotated in different directions based on odd or even pages. Un éditeur LaTeX en ligne facile à utiliser. Further, I'd like it to be centered in the page. %% Elsevier CRC generally uses a numbered reference style %% For this, the conventions of elsarticle-template-num.tex should be followed (included below) %% If using BibTeX, use the style file elsarticle-num.bst %% End of ecrc . I am using markdown to generate a report and kable to display the tables in a loop. Keine Installation notwendig, Zusammenarbeit in Echtzeit, Versionskontrolle, Hunderte von LaTeX-Vorlagen und mehr The solution is to set figuresright as one of the options of the \documentclass directive at the very top of your document: \documentclass [figuresright,<any other options>] {ociamthesis} Options specified at the \documentclass stage will get passed to subsequent \usepackage statements automatically. %% For more details see the existing template files elsarticle-template-harv.tex and elsarticle-template-num.tex. Force sidewaysfigure to be in a specific position - Wikimho 1 Introduction The package provides: • two new environments, sidewaystable and sidewaysfigure, each of which produces a single page-size float with contents rotated± . I have not any problems with this LaTeX code (even if I use a Mac): there are anyway a couple of problems within your code: The title is given as \title[Title of Document] and not as \title{Title of Document}; There are 2 \begin{document}: I do not know if this is just a typo when you copied your code here; Are you sure that the path of your .bib file is correct? Two or more authors may be joint first authors byputting\JointFirstAuthor after\affil{n}. 但是现在我直接用默认的sidewaystable后,奇数页的表没问题,但偶数页的表表头都在右边 . Praca dyplomowa Politechnika Śląska AEI szablon - Overleaf If you do do this, % then you need the following command. figurename - Google Groups bibtex - Latex/Miktex: Undefined citations - Stack Overflow Systems with Applications therefore, I tried to edit Procedia template. Top sommerfee Posts: 502 This part is very simple documentclass{amsbook} usepackage{graphicx} usepackage{subcaption} ~ Rotated page starts at the edge of the paper

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