A native of San Francisco, Richard Serra (born 1938) studied at Cal and worked in the steel mills of the East Bay before moving to the East Coast to establish his art career. Among the most formally elegant and technically complex works of Serra's oeuvre, this sculpture took him two-and-a-half years to develop. Associated with the minimalist movement, he is a leading figure in the history of art of the second half of the 20th century. A brochure for Richard Serra's first solo show, from 1966, surfaced recently in the archives. Sylvan Cole Gallery présente sur Amorosart des estampes originales, lithographies ou gravures de Richard Serra. Splashing. Richard Serra, 1968. - THE LIMN Serra answered by letting material determine form. It was the first-ever exhibition in Bilbao dedicated exclusively to Serra's work, on view in the Museum's gallery 104, a unique, diaphanous area with the dimensions required to house these huge works. 13 x 33 ½ x 27 feet (outer ellipse) and 13 x 26 x 21 feet (inner ellipse). . [1] Initial estimates for the sculpture ran from $1.5 million - $2 million. It is also his first sculpture to be showcased in the Middle East. Richard Serra Sculpture: Forty Years - X-TRA Richard Serra | Exhibitions & Projects | Exhibitions | Dia Richard Serra - 15 œuvres d'art - printmaking Après des études de littérature anglaise, il étudie les Beaux-Arts à l . Richard Anuszkiewicz Art contemporain - 2 en vente sur 1stDibs Richard Serra is one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century, and his work is presented in the world's best museums and collections. American, born in 1939 The creator of a singular and varied oeuvre who is particularly renowned for his monumental metal sculptures, Richard Serra proposes a new vision of place and space. Richard Serra: Experiencing Steel and Architecture at Bilbao's ... Richard Serra (b.1939) Rated by some art critics as one of the greatest 20th century sculptors of the postmodernist era, the American Minimalist artist Richard Serra is best known for his large scale sheet metal works of public art. In his "Splash" series, initiated at Castelli Gallery's warehouse in 1968, Serra threw molten lead at the intersection between wall and floor, where it hardened and was then removed as long, textured sculptures.
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