Here is a link to a video showing the comparisons of shooting Fuji 400H and Kodak Portra 400: For starters, in this video and for the photo examples, the film was rated at 200 ISO. Beginners Note: What "latitude" means is how well the film stock performs when it's under or overexposed. Kodak Gold 200; Kodak Portra 800; Kodak Proimage100; Kodak Tri-X 400; Kodak UltraMax 400; Kodak Vision3 250D; Kodak Vision3 500T; Kodak Vision3 50D; Leica M240; Leica M3; Leica M8; Leica Summaron 35 mm f2.8 goggle; As we explained on the HP5 vs Delta . Personally, I enjoy the look of the coarser-grained Portra 400 over 160; it just . You should try Kodak 400 ultramax - its a little more grainy than portra but has a less less refined colour pallet like the other cheaper films have. How To Shoot Kodak Ultramax 400 Film - Shoot It With Film The Portra 400 we know today has not been around for very long and yet I would argue it encapsulates the entire look and feel to film. Kodak UltraMax 400 Color Negative Film (35mm Roll Film, 36 Exposures, 3 ... Ultramax 400 This inexpensive color negative film is a great alternative to more expensive Portra 400. In many of the film-shoot YouTube videos I watch, it's usually Portra 400 they're shooting. Kodak Utramax 400 vs. FujiFilm Superia X-TRA 400 - The Darkroom Sep 23, 2020 - Film stock comparison between Fuji Superia X-TRA 400 and Kodak Ultramax 400. Shoot Film. However, Kodak Portra 800 is an entirely different film from Portra 400 and 160, which were reformulated to produce better digital scans in 2010. Its a versatile film, good for daylight and lowlight shooting. This film has ISO400 and is a color negative film. Kodak Color Plus is another consumer product that is comparable. You don't shoot these films if you hate grain. Anyway, let's look at some samples of the Portra 160 so you can get an idea of its look. Ko. KODAK ULTRA MAX 400 Film Revised 2/16 KODAK ULTRA MAX 400 Film KODAK Publication No. Portra 400 vs Ultramax 400 Comparison: Which Is Right For You? PDF KODAK ULTRA MAX 400 Film - Kodak Moments . Kodak's Professional Portra 400 is a high-speed daylight-balanced color negative film offering a smooth and natural color palette that is balanced with vivid saturation and low contrast for accurate skin tones and consistent results. Reply. . Utilizing the cinematic VISION Film technology, this film also exhibits a fine grain structure with very high sharpness and edge detail. But, when you're only getting 10-16 frames out of each 120 roll, those price tags really sting. For those unfamiliar, the differences between Portra 400 and Ektar are most extreme when it comes to color saturation and rendering, so this is an important consideration. The first thing you can tell about the film before popping a roll in your camera is its ISO rating of 400.Compared to the ColorPlus 200 and Gold 200 that has an ISO rating of 200, UltraMax has an ISO rating of 400 and is faster by a whole stop than the former two.

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